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How to Organize a Closet for Perfect Order


There's nothing better than a tidy closet. Everything neatly folded and arranged in its place, even organized by colors or types of patterns, as if it were a store. Sounds good, right?

Having a closet like that is a real pleasure, but let's not deny it, sometimes it requires a lot of work or we might not have a clear idea of how to do it, right? One of the key factors in knowing properly is to arm yourself with patience.

Here, we're going to give you a few tips so you know how to organize a closet, always find your clothes, and keep it organized for as long as possible.

Take Advantage of Seasonal Changes

Think about it. Twice a year, we take out everything from our closets to switch between summer and winter clothing. Why not take advantage of this moment to organize our closet?

This will be the first step to consider when learning how to organize a closet. Empty it completely as always and separate the clothes according to the season. With the closet empty, you can clean its interior thoroughly and check for any issues such as potential dampness on the walls that could damage your clothes.

Goodbye to Unused Items

Yes, it's time to say goodbye. What's the point of keeping clothes season after season if you never end up wearing them? Take advantage of having taken out all your clothes to figure out how to organize a closet and start by sorting it.

You might have a bunch of clothes that are so damaged that it's definitely time to throw them away. Then there's another pile with clothes that don't fit you or that you've grown tired of, but they're still in good enough condition to be used. You can choose to sell them and make some extra money to buy something new. Alternatively, you can choose to donate them to a charitable organization.

Not a bad idea, right?

Categories are Your Allies

A key principle in knowing how to efficiently organize a closet is to separate your clothing items into distinct categories. Everyday wear in one section, underwear in another, party outfits in a separate area... And of course, swimwear in its own section. You could even separate gym clothes so you always know where they are and don't have to rummage around. Additionally, this will allow you to arrange them more effectively within the space you have.

Compartmentalize the Space

If your closet is open or has few divisions, it's time to turn to elements like dividers, boxes, or baskets. These will help you make the most of the closet's interior and organize it in a more efficient and lasting manner.

How do you organize your closet using them? You can store items you use less frequently in more distant areas, group all your handbags together, and keep your daily wear in the most accessible section. This way, you'll avoid spending too much time each morning searching for things. By organizing your closet's interior with these types of elements, you'll achieve a greater aesthetic unity and a sense of spaciousness and order.

Everything in Sight

If you're someone who doesn't really know what you have until you see it, you're going to love this. To make your "How to Organize a Closet" operation a success, we believe the best way to finish is by illuminating the interior well.

The room's light might not always be sufficient for you to see everything inside the closet, so you can use adhesive LED strips to place on the top, or use push lights or sensor lights that allow you to see things in greater detail. This way, you'll surely know where those shoes you can never find at the back of the closet are located.

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