Looking for a stylish and comfortable pair of boots for your next adventure? Look no further than our mountaineering boots with fur collar. These flat ankle boots feature a polipiel weave, complete with tachas and a cozy fur collar. With a flat sole made from durable rubber, these boots are perfect for any outdoor excursion. Ideal for young people who want to explore the world in style.
https://inside-shops.com/en/boots/mountaineering-boots-with-fur-collar/14498336357191Mountaineering boots with fur collarLooking for a stylish and comfortable pair of boots for your next adventure? Look no further than our mountaineering boots with fur collar. These flat ankle boots feature a polipiel weave, complete with tachas and a cozy fur collar. With a flat sole made from durable rubber, these boots are perfect for any outdoor excursion. Ideal for young people who want to explore the world in style.https://inside-shops.com/817482-medium_default/mountaineering-boots-with-fur-collar.jpghttps://inside-shops.com/817482-push_default/mountaineering-boots-with-fur-collar.jpg29.99instockINSIDE34.9924.785214.2897970848814.13222024-04-25T13:49:50+0200/Home/Home/Women/Home/Women/Shoes/Home/Women/Sales/Home/Women/Shoes/Boots/Home/Women/Sales/Shoes/Home/Women/Sales/Shoes/Boots/Home/Women/Shoes/Boots/Mountain boots/Home/Women/Sales/Shoes/Boots/Mountain boots